


370.000 m²
Due to its dominant position, the campus campus can be perceived from many parts of the city, dominating the city view, and is located in a position that can be an important landscape element affecting the view and silhouette of the city.

When the university land is examined in terms of topography, two large stream beds and valleys within the property boundaries almost divide the land into three at first. The transportation connection of these hills, where construction seems very difficult, with the livable area in the center seems difficult.

A stable and highly perceptible pedestrian movement setup that continues with a linear continuity has been developed. In this setup, it is aimed to increase the dynamism of the movement between them by creating two points of attraction. The first of these attraction points is the sports units added to the entrance section, and the second attraction point is the colonnaded square that ends with the cable car connection point and cafes with a view of Meram.

The understanding of form of the buildings in the exterior is built on a design axis where continuity and unity dominate, but each building can express itself strongly. An outdoor environment where students can feel themselves in nature and travel without getting bored is aimed. A qualified outdoor space is created with both its proportions and its connections and elements. While the students are walking among the building groups on the street, they feel themselves in a natural street environment.

The university campus should be handled with an environmentally conscious design approach without disturbing the low-rise and green silhouette of Meram. The landscape and construction surface has been increased by providing a panoramic view angle with the settlement in accordance with the slope on the sloping land. By placing the structures according to the natural slope, natural wind direction and natural sun angles were tried to be preserved.

The central buildings lined up against each other define the courtyard, which we define as the “Central Alle”. Central Alle is envisaged as an area that gives life to the university and brings its dynamism and vitality. It creates a qualified outdoor space with both its proportions and its connections and elements. The outer surface described by the buildings has been torn from the square and certain focal points and directed towards the view. The continuity, which starts with the Ceremony area from the north of the Allen, can express itself even more strongly with the pool and the walking paths advancing next to the pool. The walking paths are handled in a more defined way with rich landscape elements. Qualified squares where various recreational areas can be organized and social demonstrations are envisaged. The Congress and Culture Center, the Cafeteria and the Trade Center, the Cafeteria and the Library were placed on the eastern side of the Central Allen, at the points that dominate the landscape. Rectorate and Administrative Buildings, Institute, Mosque, Central Classroom, Central Laboratory and Computer Center were placed on the western side of the axis.

While the mosque is located in the center, it did not stand out with its appearance, but turned into a qualified landscape element with its modest stance and grass roof that refreshes and enriches the square. The grass surfaces rising from the square are complemented by the minaret, which is thought to be symbolic.

The Cafeteria and Trade Center building is located at a dominant point with the best view of the city.

The masses are located at the northern end of the campus, due to the fact that there are mass spectators, entrances and exits in intense sports competitions, and that the Indoor Sports and Swimming Pool are large-scale masses, and that they are also used by students at certain times, not constantly.

Faculty buildings consisting of four floors are perceived as two floors from the high elevation. The wide eaves colonnades used at the second floor level on the lower level, on the other hand, separated the building from the horizontal and strengthened the horizontal perception of the building and its continuity in the street setting. The top of the terraces were used as floor gardens supported by plants that can be accessed from the gallery in the faculty center. Contrary to the horizontal and continuous form on the lower level, a more fragmented form setup is considered on the upper floor, and it is desired that the long structures melt into the silhouette and contribute to the low-rise appearance. The trees rising from the shattered forms ensured the integration of the buildings with the green. The fragmented forms with the lecturers attached to the sides of the large mass of classrooms in the center have been lightened by staggering.

The effects of solar radiation are optimized by providing solar control with the sun shading elements used on the building facades. Making the most of daylight in the layout and design of buildings is one of our important criteria. In order for the building to receive better heat and light, dense settlements were designed in the east and south directions. Natural ventilation and natural lighting are available in all places where there is active use.

One of the main principles in the campus design has been barrier-free transportation. Therefore, low-slope ramps have been designed considering the disabled both inside the buildings and in the open areas throughout the campus. Thanks to the handicapped road that reaches to social areas such as the gym, swimming pool, unhindered access to the campus is ensured.

In the university campus, priority was given to pedestrian-oriented transportation. For this purpose, a ring road that completely surrounds the campus area has been designed. The ring-road line circling around the land connects all the structures. Open car parks are connected in this way. In this way, the inner green courtyards and streets surrounded by the buildings are protected from vehicle traffic and are completely separated into pedestrian areas.