


15.000 m²
As envisaged in the project transportation master plan, the green space and pedestrian continuity of Alaaddin Hill - Kültür Park and N.Erbakan Parks have been preserved. In the design, the selection of habitable areas is based on the protection of existing trees and the boundaries of non-tree areas and hard floors. The existing municipal building area, which is planned to be demolished, was also used as the lower square level instead of being filled in. At the focal point of the design, there are no pedestrians at the ground level. It is aimed that the exits of the subway line, which is planned to be built by keeping the pedestrian setup in the foreground, and the underground pedestrian crossings at the same time, to reach the urban courtyard and landscape at the same level. The main entrance of the building, which is aimed to be an easily accessible library, is made from the urban courtyard. In this way, the library's spacious foyer, exhibition areas and activity room can be kept open for use outside of working hours. It was designed as a cultural complex that aims to greatly increase the cultural vitality of the city. It is intended to be a public space facility within a park rather than a singular library structure. While connecting the library with the square, municipal service areas and conference hall mass, it is aimed to provide a resting area for citizens and a cultural event venue open to the public. What's more, it can be used for outdoor exhibition, book market, etc. It serves a variety of public events such as an urban information hall and fully embodies its functions. Municipal service areas and conference hall; It is located on the pedestrian crossing axis. On the courtyard level of this building, restaurants and cafes are considered. While the children's library creates an area independent from other functions with a separate entrance, it also gives the opportunity to switch to other functions with a connection. Woodland with reading and playground areas within permeable parklands; It effectively extends the library experience towards the surrounding landscape. The reading terraces intertwined with the existing trees designed on the west façade of the library express a clear relationship between interior and exterior. The large steps not only establish a connection between the basement and the ground floor, but also function as a reading-viewing area. Anatolia is an important geographical region that has been the property of all humanity with its unique cultural assets brought by the societies living on it for centuries. Especially with the arrival of the Turks in Anatolia, starting with the Seljuks, the innovations and developments recorded in the field of architecture and art provide important contributions to today's cultural environment. Accordingly, it is aimed to integrate the City thoughtfully into its rich historical context. In the library design, display areas with 3 and 4 dimensional museums where historical, cultural, touristic and gastronomic supply sources are displayed are also planned. It is aimed to design a transparent and monumental building that will serve as an urban showcase. The visualization of transparency, openness and a simple geometry guided the design process. Existing trees have been meticulously preserved throughout the building, in each case intended to contribute to the design in different ways to create a diverse experience both inside and outside. Precisely placing the building in a tree garden is one of the starting points of the design. The section parallel to the road integrated into the monumental structure surrounding the Book Mountain is intended to be less storeyed, aiming to be lost in the trees. It is said in the Qur'an: "O you who believe, believe in Allah, His Messenger, the book He revealed to His prophet and the books He revealed before..." (Nisa 136). In fact, all books are notebooks that have been written, they are the books that were sent down by revelation that should be called the original book. There are 4 true books that were sent down to earth from the Creator as the Truth itself. A form that spiritually rises from the ground upwards and horizontally as it merges with the earth while descending vertically from top to bottom represents the descent of the Books of Revelation and Right. The sphere form in the center of the building symbolizes the truth that radiates the light of knowledge around it. The sphere, which is the perfect and most ideal building form, was chosen for representation. Glass and water were used extensively in the design to strengthen the unique character and function of each space inside and outside the building. Water is light and attractive; glass connects indoor and outdoor spaces, inviting both light and shadow, space and time. Light; It gives spatial transparency to the structure in different ways during the day and at night, similar to a floating island in the city. The journey from the Bodrum exhibition hall to all floors is characterized by the interaction of the space with people, books, nature, sunlight and mind. By carefully moving the visitors from the interior to the nature, it is aimed to bring a breathing architecture to the city and to awaken the interaction of the people with their cultural places. The reading terraces intertwined with the existing trees, designed on the western façade of the library, express a clear relationship between the interior and the exterior. Creating the spatial hierarchy with contrasting densities, the building was created with a more fluid plan, giving importance to the changing role of the library as well as being a pleasant meeting place for the public. It offers the opportunity to expand learning opportunities and interaction by creating space. The surfaces planned to be built on the facade are opened and closed according to the time of the day, while maintaining ideal lighting levels, while at the same time giving different views for the facade. In this way, a surface that is constantly renewed and transformed has been created. The storage of books has been transformed into a visual form, creating a mountain of books in the center. In order for this area to be perceived not only by the building users but also from the outside, the outer form of the mass was designed accordingly.